
Dicyclomine hydrochloride (HCl) is a synthetic anticholinergic drug. It has advantages over the adverse effects of atropine compounds. It has spasmolytic activity on various smooth muscle spasms.


Bentyl, Mesbentyl

IUPAC name

2-(Diethylamino) ethyl bicyclohexyl-1-carboxylate


Step 1: Dicyclomine HCl is synthesized using 1,5 dibromo pentane. To 1,5 dibromo pentane add benzyl cyanide and Sodium Amide (NaNH2), which results in the intermediate compound.

Step 2: To the intermediate, ethyl alcohol and hydronium ion is added.

Step 3: Now, add diethyl [2-(sodiooxy)ethyl]amine. Sodium ethoxide is removed.

Step 4: The intermediate is treated with H2 and Platinum to saturate the benzene ring. This step produces dicyclomine.

synthesis-of-dicyclomine HCL

Mechanism of action

Dicyclomine competitively inhibits the cholinergic action on the muscarinic receptor (M1) present on smooth muscles. This results in direct relaxation of smooth muscles.


Mainly used to prevent GIT spasms in irritable bowel syndrome.
Dicyclomine also has antiemetic property and has been used in morning sickness and motion sickness. Also, used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

Adverse effects

  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Tachycardia
  • Urinary retention
  • Constipation
  • Heat intolerance
  • Confusion